1. Please make sure that order placed cannot be cancelled after one hour.
  2. It will be delivered within 4 or 5 working days.
  3. You may ask for your Tracking Number if you face any problem regrading the parcel or just contact our.
  4. Coriour service are not liable to open & show product before you pay so please do not force him to open parcel.
  5. If you face any problem after receiving parcel,like damaged product or something,you may contact us on +923216569007 Or INSTAGRAM
  6. Moreover you will be also getting message from our COURIER SERVICE about the shipment sataus before delivery.So if you give any contact Number which is in your use.Then it will be easy for us to make you stay updated with the delivery.
  7. To secure your customer protection Rights must make VIDEO OF UNBOXING THE PARCEL.There will AM Jewllery striker or card on the parcel .You will open parcel by making video .
  8. No claim such as DAMEGED PRODUCTS or MISSING PRODUCTS will be accepted without vedio proof.
  9. It is compulsory to make avedio of unpacking the parcle. so you can send video to us for CLAIM.
  10. Customer will return the parcel on its own & will bear delivery charges too.
  11. Customer will not have any right to demand refund of delivery charges for returned parcel in any case .
  12. Order less then RS /1000 will not be enterained.